Directory of Member Companies
We who belong to the Open Company Initiative commit to openness as a defining element in how we create value.
Member Companies
Sentry Modern error logging, open source and SaaS.
Lincoln Loop A full service web development and design studio.
Bevry Empowering developers everywhere
Beeminder Goal-tracking with teeth
Buffer Buffer is the easiest way to publish on social media
Neocities Make the internet fun again. Create your own free web site.
Read the Docs Documentation Developers Love
Technical Machine Creating the Open Web of hardware.
CommitChange We build beautiful fundraising tools for nonprofits.
Surevine Surevine helps “join-up” government by delivering secure collaborative environments for central government and other public sector organizations.
Salalem An enterprise mobile and web platform to train and certify employees.
Minfaatong LLC We create games meant to be play by ourselves.
Former Member Companies
Gratipay Give money every week to people and teams you believe in.
Balanced Payments Payments for Marketplaces & Crowdfunding
Saxifrage School A higher ed. lab working to lower costs, foster transparency, re-think the campus, and reconcile theory with practice.
The Open Company Well-made goods manufactured and sold transparently.
FarmBot Building open-source hardware and software for small-scale automated food production.